I thought this was going to be the usual type of testing-related webinar. You know, the ones where the talk on the topic is a vehicle for pitching a testing tool? 但这一次不同了, 不是在格式或演示中, 但在主持人的声明中. At one point she said “This tool doesn’t just automate your manual test cases, 它为你写.” I have heard a hundred times about test automation tools that claimed to eliminate manual testing, but never had someone said that their tool could terminate the tester too! 好吧, 也许这有点夸张, the elimination of human beings was never claimed specifically, 但听起来确实是这样.
创造数字资产 & 兼容的可访问性
Digital equity helps to ensure all individuals and communities have the 信息 technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, 民主, 和经济. 与此同时, accessibility refers to the practice of ensuring that products, 服务, 信息, and technologies are designed and implemented in a way that allows all individuals to access and use them with equal ease and effectiveness. It involves removing obstacles and providing accommodations to ensure inclusivity, 确保每个人, 不管他们的处境或能力如何, 能完全独立地参与mg官方游戏中心的数字世界吗.
Unlocking Business Success: The Benefits of Business Analysis and Technical Writing
Running a successful business requires more than just passion and drive. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of your organization's strengths, 弱点, and opportunities to make informed decisions that help achieve long-term success. This is where business analysis and technical writing come in. 通过与Moser咨询公司合作, businesses can leverage the expertise of experienced business analysts who can help identify areas for improvement, 简化操作, 推动增长. 在这篇博文中, we will discuss the benefits of business analysis and technical writing and why it is essential for businesses to consider these 服务.
Discover what your business continuity plan needs to include to help prevent crises and recover from disasters quickly.
Disasters can range from natural, physical, or technology-based emergencies. A disaster recovery plan can help you get back to business as usual.
A cybersecurity risk assessment can help protect your business against a cyber attack. 在这里学习如何做一个.
A basic cyber security assessment template as well as three things you can do to prepare for a cyber insurance assessment.
It is hightly likely that Incident Response and Disaster Recovery planning and preparation could have avoided or reduced the system outage's impact.
Insights about the soft skills veterans bring to a tech environment and what tech offers veterans.
Technology can allow your business to make major changes with the click of a button.
Why Agile Implementations Fail and What Can be Done to Enable Success
An in-depth look at the Agile project management method and why implementations often fail.
What do IT project managers do and what considerations should they make when working with tech teams?
Reduce Risk, Increase Efficiency, and Quickly Implement New Tech and Stay on Top of the Market
There are risks to implementing new technology, but if done right, it can lead to major growth.
Training and Certifications: Qualified Doesn’t Mean Experienced
How can you get access to experienced IT professionals quickly and affordably?